Creator Guide

Content Section Documentation

The Content section of the Sealo Creator Dashboard allows Creators to create, manage, and analyze communications (News) sent to User Accounts based on their owned NFTs.


  • Create New News:

    • Set the title, subtitle, text, and link for each communication.
    • Define the visibility of the News (Public or Sealed).
      • Public: Visible to all followers of the Creator.
      • Sealed: Visible only to User Accounts that own specific NFTs associated with the News.
  • View Existing News:

    • Browse and manage News that have already been created.
  • Manage News:

    • Edit the information for existing News.
    • Define or update whether a News is Public or Sealed, and specify the required NFTs for Sealed News.
    • Invite Creator partners to collaborate on News.
    • View analytics related to News performance.

How to Use

  1. Creating New News:

    • Open the Sealo Creator Dashboard.
    • Navigate to the Content section.
    • Click on "Create New News".
    • Enter the title, subtitle, text, and link for the News.
    • Choose the visibility type (Public or Sealed).
    • If Sealed, specify the NFTs required to view the News.
    • Save the new News to make it available in the Feed section of the Sealo Mobile App.
  2. Viewing Existing News:

    • In the Content section, browse the list of existing News.
    • Click on a News item to view its details and current visibility settings.
  3. Managing News:

    • Select an existing News item from the list.
    • Click on "Edit" to update the title, subtitle, text, link, or visibility settings.
    • If needed, update the NFTs required for Sealed News.
    • Invite partners by entering their Creator details.
    • Save changes to update the News.
  4. Analyzing News Performance:

    • In the Content section, view analytics related to the performance of each News item.
    • Use the insights to understand engagement and reach, making data-driven decisions for future communications.

User Tips

  • Clear and Engaging Content: Ensure that the title, subtitle, and text of News are clear and engaging to capture user interest.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly publish News to keep your audience informed and engaged with your Creator.
  • Use Sealed News Strategically: Leverage Sealed News to provide exclusive content to users who own specific NFTs, enhancing their sense of value and exclusivity.
  • Monitor Analytics: Use the analytics feature to track the performance of your News, understand user engagement, and refine your communication strategy.

By utilizing the Content section, Creators can effectively create and manage targeted communications, ensuring that the right messages reach the right users based on their owned NFTs on the Sealo platform.